Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Make a Resistance check machine with Arduino (Membuat mesin pengecekan resistansi)

Salam Elektro

Today, I would like to share about how to make resistance check with arduino.
Kali ini, saya akan membagi bagaimana cara membuat pengecekan resistansi dengan arduino.

First time, prepare the material.
- Arduino Uno or other arduino. (I use Uno in my board).
- Potensiometer 5Kohm
- Switching power supply 12 volt
- Buzzer
- ULN 2003A
- Relay 12 volt
- LCD 16x2
- Connector banana female
- Pushbutton
- Power switch
- LED red and green
- Enclosure

Here is the fix machine

Hasil mesin pengecekan resistance

Connect wire from arduino to LCD, button and relay.
Here is the diagram block
Block diagram
Schematic diagram is here.

LCD guide
LCD guide pin out

 Schematic driver buzzer find it here.

Note of function

This machine can be set on some model, which is mean we can add some specification minimum and maximum.When the value is out of spec, then buzzer is  buzzing.
Mesin ini bisa di set ke beberapa model, yang mana maksudnya kita bisa menambahkan beberapa spesifikasi minimum dan maksimum. Bila nilai resistance berapa diluar spec, maka buzzer akan berbunyi.

Let's see the inside
Mari kita lihat hasil rangkaiannya walau tidak sebagus yang dipikirkan.
Bentuk dalam mesin
The Machine code is here.
Codingnya ada disini.

Good Luck
Selamat mencoba

Make digital clock with Arduino and RTC1302 (Membuat jam digital dengan Arduino dan RTC 1302)

Salam elektro

This time, I would like to share of Arduino programming. Make a digital clock with RTC 1302.
This program was modify from some reference program and mix in 1 shield.
I already try this and work fine in my shield.
If you have any question, kindly please insert in comment.
You can ask in english or Bahasa.

The code is here.
Library for RTC 1302 is here.

Good Luck